Some of the deadliest fruits in the world.

Fruits are said to be a very essential ingredient for maintaining good health. The reason for eating fruits is to keep the body healthy and prevent various nutritional diseases. Fruits contain more vitamins and nutrients than other foods.
So it is essential to have some fruits in the daily food list. Just as the fruit keeps the body healthy, it also protects the body from various diseases. But not all results are good. There are some fruits which are harmful to the body and there are some fruits which can cause death to people.
In today's article we will know the names of the ten most poisonous fruits in the world and their identity. I think you have not seen most of these ten fruits.
    This fruit is found in Southeast Asia. This result is considered very dangerous. This fruit is very small and round in shape. The color of the fruit is green, the seeds of the fruit contain a highly toxic substance. Which can cause vomiting, diarrhea in a normal person. It also slows down the movement of his hands and feet. That is, his arm and leg muscles stop working. As a result, many people have committed suicide by eating this fruit. So this fruit is also called suicide fruit. You may not believe that 537 people died from 1989 to 1999 in the Indian state of Kerala due to this fruit.
    This fruit is shaped like a star when cut, so it is also called star fruit. Although the fruit is not very poisonous, it is especially useful for diabetics and patients with kidney problems. From village area known as Kamranga. As a result, it is very low in calories and extremely high in vitamin C. Those with kidney problems may even experience kidney failure if they eat too much fruit. Eating this fruit can cause heart attack and death. So a request to you, those of you who are heart patients, consult your doctor before consuming this fruit.
  3. CASHEW:
    Cashew is also considered a poisonous fruit. But the cashew nuts that are bought from the market are not that poisonous. In fact, the cashew nut is a very interesting fruit while still on the tree.


    This is a fruit that is eaten by almost all types of people. This fruit looks like an apple. But this results in 7 types of bacteria which are very harmful to the body. In fact, a substance called amygdalin is found in this peach, which slowly becomes more after entering the human body. But eating this fruit in small quantity does not cause any problem.
    One thing you may be surprised to hear is that in 2011 the Guinness Book of World Records named this fruit tree as the most poisonous fruit tree in the world. Then you understand that along with this phone, the fruit tree is also very harmful. Experts say being around this fruit tree can cause serious skin damage. Itchy drafts and other problems can occur. If you take shelter under this tree during rain, the water that will fall on your body will cause serious problems to your skin. Also, if you use the wood of this tree for burning, the fumes emitted from the wood will cause serious damage to your skin, eyes and respiratory system. The fruit of this tree is called the fruit of death.
    These fruit trees are very beautiful to look at. The fruits of this tree are held in bunches, green in color, but some are very poisonous. In fact, this results in a type of toxic substance called rising, which is a substance that is very harmful to the body. Also many have died after eating this fruit.
    This fruit is mostly found in America. This fruit is usually eaten by birds. If a person accidentally eats this fruit, it becomes almost impossible for him to survive. These fruit trees can grow up to 8 feet tall. After hearing the name of this fruit, you understand that the fruit is held in bunches like grapes.
    What fruits look orange in color. And this fruit is also held in bunches like grapes. What fruit looks delicious. Although it looks delicious, this fruit contains many types of toxins. After eating which the nervous system will be completely shut down. This poisonous fruit is found in America, Canada, and certain states of East Asia. And this fruit is highly poisonous to humans as well as animals.
    These red fruits are especially eaten by animals. This fruit is absolutely not suitable for humans. This results in many types of toxic substances. So after eating this fruit, the blood circulation in the human body can be stopped. These plants are found in temperate countries. These plants can grow up to 8 to 10 feet tall.
  10. DOLL'S EYES:
    It is one of the most beautiful fruits in the world. But this fruit is as poisonous as it looks. You can say that this is the most poisonous fruit in the world. This fruit looks exactly like a doll's eye. So this fruit is named DOLL'S EYES. This fruit is found in America, Canada and some European countries. A type of toxic substance called CARDIOGENIC is found in this fruit. Which destroys more human tissue.

Author's comments:

Fruits contain more nutrients than other foods. It is important to know the nutritional value of any fruit before eating it. And it is necessary to know which is harmful for the body. There are some fruits that are beneficial for the body. Click this link to know about these results.
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